20 Mar 2013

The Greatest Birthday - 13

Thanks everybody for your comments on the 12th chapter. I was really happy reading your responses! Have you heard Will.I.Am's new song featuring Justin? It is amazing! Like I said I'll be trying to post as soon as possible, so here's the chapter 13 xx

Justin's POV

We got into the car and I drove her back home. I parked the car in the driveway, and went inside. Chaz & Ryan were sitting in the living room, watching TV. I hadn't told them that we were going, or anything like that. I tried to sneak upstairs from behind, but they saw me. "Aye. Where have you been?" Ryan asked me. "Just, around." I said. "Dude please. Your photos with her have gone viral everywhere. You two should date, know what I mean?" Chaz yelled. "You serious?" I asked him. Without a word, he handed me over his phone. The paparazzi had caught us, but well, doesn't matter, or does it? Anyway papz have a habit of poking their noses into everything.

Y/N had got a call from her parents,and so she strolled outside in my front yard, talking on the phone. After the scene with the boys, I went outside. She was off the phone, and stood leaning against the bench,facing towards the road. I went forward and stood with her. "What's up?" "I got a call from mom" she replied in a soft tone. "And what'd she say?" I asked. She paused for a while. "I don't know what's wrong with her. They were supposed to come later but they're coming back on Monday. She was like talk to Jenna,and then she hung up" "What's with Jenna?" "I called her,she didn't pick up. She messaged me that she'll call me in 5 minutes though" I was really worried, I had no idea what could be coming her way. "Come inside and then you can talk." I said to her. I went with her till her room,and then went and sat in the living room.

Ryan was watching Two And A Half Men, and Chaz was texting somebody. I went and sat in between them both. "Who's that huh?" I asked him in a you-know-what-I'm-talking-about way. "Friend." "Friends are sitting here, which friend is this?" Ryan added. "You don't know her." "Knew it! A her." Stupid things went on and on, and I was pretty bored. I went inside her room to check with Y/N.

She sat on the couch, looking totally tense and stressed out from the face. "Hey are you okay?" "Jenna's not only my best friend,but my cousin as well." "Alright?" I said in confusion. "Her mom was moved to the hospital some minutes back." she said,almost crying. "What happened to her?" I asked. "The tests are going on. She showed symptoms of some disease." I had no idea what to do. But at that time, all I knew was that she needed somebody. "Don't worry, She'll be okay." I said to her,if that helped even a wee bit. "Yeah I-I hope. I think I'll go to bed. Night Justin." She said. She got up, and lay on the bed right away. I got up, and went inside my bedroom.

Your POV

Next morning, the first thing I did after waking up was checking on updates about aunt Karen,Jenna's mom. Jenna texted me at 3 in the morning, that Karen's perfectly fine. It was a great relief! I was really very worried about her. I spent most of my childhood with her,she was like my second mom and I loved her to death. As soon as I read, and ran outside my room,into Justin's. He had just got up I think. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes barely opened, he scratched his head. "Guess what!" I said, shouting.  "Morning." He sounded as if he was talking in his sleep. "Jenna's mom is just fine! Are you an angel or what?" I went ahead and hugged him tight with a big smile, not realising he sat there almost naked. "Woah.. That is great" he said,hugging me back.

I then ran into the kitchen, and made myself breakfast. I lay the food carefully on the plate, and then took it to the table. I had made 4 French toasts, my favorite. I covered it with sugar first. As soon as I picked up my fork and knife to eat my first bite,Chaz came from behind. He picked up the piece I was about to eat. "Thank you" he said, as he looked for something in the refrigerator. Well that was okay, so what if one piece is gone. I picked up my fork and knife in full force one more time. Then Ryan comes from behind, and he steals my piece. "I love french toasts" he said. I just left the plate because I was pretty sure Justin would come and take the third piece and all I would be left with would be 1. Actually he didn't. He just came and sat next to me. "Do you want to rob away my toast too?" I asked him,making a sullen face. "Nope. Can I have a bite?"

The only normal guy in the house he was! After breakfast, I had my typical Sunday. Painting my nails, talking with friends, Skype, and all that. On my facebook, I had started receiving "are you really friends with justin bieber?" from people in my school. People had even started making fake accounts of me! Now that is just ridiculous. My Instagram had like 5,000 new followers everyday. Fan pages! Facebook, twitter, Instagram, people had started making things like 'we love Y/N'; 'Y/N fan club.' Haahaha okay.. So I could say my life totally changed. And honestly, I hated it this way! Till 6 I was just creeping around all over the house. I went downstairs in the game room. Justin told me to get dressed up, we all were going somewhere at 8.

I got super excited, and dressed up in this- 

-Kudrat xx


  1. I think it is really good!

  2. OMB!!

  3. This was a cute chapter
    Loved It
    Post soon
    Love Yea


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