5 Mar 2013

Request for Nady

Sorry it's been so long since I have updated. I am really busy but I will try posting more x

Name: Nady

Nationality (home country): Canada

Eye color: brown

Hair color: brown

Boy (Most probably want Justin, but you can choose another guy): Justin

Idea to plot (optional): Drama filled


My heart throbbed uncontrollably when I saw him. He looked good standing there at the alter. The tux hugged his toned chest perfectly and the matching trousers hang low on his hips.  The brown hair of his was spiked up in the front and a smile tugged on his lips. His eyes caught mine and he smiled brightly. I tried smiling back but it didn’t work for me and he noticed. The smile quickly faded and he tilted his head at me. I faced the ground and tried to hold in the tears. He was getting married, but I wasn’t the one to marry him. I was sitting in the back of church trying to be as unnoticed as possible. Justin was my best friend but I wanted more. I had wanted more since we met 8 years ago. I just never had the courage to tell him. And now it was too late. 3 years ago he met this girl Louise and now they were getting married. It tightened around my chest and I quickly got up. I couldn’t do this, I had to get out of here. He couldn’t marry her. She was a gold-digger. She only wanted the fame and the money. I had heard her talk to her friend about it. She didn’t love him.

I got up from the seat and looked around. Justin was still eyeing me questioningly. Shaking my head at him I rushed down the aisle. I needed to get out of here before the bride arrived, I wouldn’t be able to see her without screaming at her. Fuming my anger at her, telling her to give him up before he got broken. But it was too late, she was going to break his heart when after they had been married for a little asked for a divorce so she could get his money. I pushed the church door open and got out of the big room to the little front room. And there she was, Louise standing in her big wedding gown looking beautiful ready to marry my Justin.

“Nady what are you doing? Unhappy that I am marrying the boy you’re in love with?”
Her high-pitched voice cut my ears like knifes.
“Sorry but I can’t watch you marry a guy who deserves someone so much better”
My brown eyes burned holes in to hers telling her how bad she was for doing this. She cackled loudly before locking our eyes again.
“Listen to me bitch. You know I am only marrying Justin to get money, you are not stupid like he is. He is foolishly in love with. I know you love him Nady. I am not stupid either. I can see it in the way you look at him. And honestly if I hadn’t come around you two would have ended up together, but he fell for me. Now I am going to marry him and then break his heart and take his money with me. I am glad that you’re leaving now, you won’t experience the ugly part”
We both turned around to see Justin standing in the door. He must have heard everything. His eyes were searching mine but I looked down at the floor.
“Justy boo.. What are you doing out here? We’re getting married in a second!”
Louise reached out for her but he brushed past her. I felt his hands lay on my cheeks and he turned my face up.
“Is all this true Nady? Do you love me?”
Our brown eyes connected and I nodded slowly. A wide grin cracked over his face.
“Then let’s get away”
He didn’t even look at Louise but he grabbed my hand and turned us away from her. Her angry yells ran after us as we hand in hand exited the church.
“You know I have always loved you Nady.”
I looked up at him and smiled. His plump lips landed on mine and we kissed. Maybe happy endings do exist?


  1. Hey!, I'd love to have one please, if you don't mind :)
    Name: Tsalisa
    Nationality (home country) : Netherlands
    Eye color : blue
    Hair color : dirty blonde
    Boy : Justin
    Idea to plot : second chance

  2. soooo great...!!! <3 XOXOXOXO

  3. OMB!!!! ♥
    Thanx sooooooooooooo much!! ♥
    I don't know what to do for you!! ♥
    you are the best ♥
    thanx so much for making my first imagine, I loved to my heart♥
    I was speech less when I was reading it♥
    I thought I was gonna cry and I did when Justin figured out the truth♥
    I just love you ♥
    thanx thanx thanx ♥
    LOVE YOU ♥

    1. Btw its okay that you posted after a long time even though I kept on looking at the site every second I was on the computer love you


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