8 Jan 2013

Begin Again Ch 9

Hello :)
Thank you for the comments on the "Birthday" story! I might continue with it, I'm not sure yet.
I know I'm late, but we have another new writer so please welcome her if you haven't already!
This is the last chapter of Begin Again so enjoy!

Chapter 9
2 months later

Justin's POV

"Justin, get up!!' Yelled a familiar voice.

Groaning, I turned over to my other side and curled up in a ball, wanting to sleep more.

"Dude get up already! You have rehearsal!"

With a big sigh, I got up, rubbed my eyes, and found Alfredo looking at me.

"You slept in again. Scooter's getting upset that you're going to bed so late. You've been acting all depressed for a while..." He told me.

"I can't help it. Every night I think about...never mind." I tried to shake off my thought and I got out of bed.

"Think about what? Is something bothering you?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"It's just that...I can't get (YN) out my mind. We call and text every night. It's been two months of not seeing each other in person. Ever since we have met, I've been thinking about her nonstop. The last time we saw each other, we kissed. It was one of the most magical night's of my life. I just want to be hers..." I confessed, telling him my true feelings.

"Look, if you really want to date her, just ask hee out. If you truly care about her, you would be knocking on her door right now, trying to sweep her off her feet."

After thinking deeply about what he said, I decided that he was right. For the next couple of hours, we all rehearsed for the concert tonight. Soon it was time for the big show! I spent almost three hours thinking about (YN). I tried my best to focus during the concert but her beautiful face kept reappearing in my mind...

After the meet and greet, I quickly packed all my things and got into my private jet. I decided to go fly over to LA and surprise (YN) and hopefully ask her out...

Your POV

Raising my mug to my lips, o tool another sip of my hot chocolate I was staring out the window in complete boredom and sadness. The clouds were turning grey and the sun started to disappear. Two months have gone by and it had been two months of seeing Justin. He had been busy with his tour, tracking the country and world. The last time we saw each other was the first time we had kissed. I had never felt this way about a boy before. We tried our best to Skype everyday, but it was hard due to my new job and his crazy career. Each day, I want to tell him how I feel but I always hold back...

Finishing my hot chocolate, I walk downstairs to the kitchen. The house was completely empty; Taylor was visiting family for the holidays so it was just lonely me in this lonely house. After putting the mug in the sink, I walked over to the lit fireplace and added some more wood to the fire, trying to keep the house warm from the cold and rainy December weather outside. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find the most beautiful boy in the world standing in front of me. He smiled and his clothes were soaked from the storm. I closed the door behind me and smiled back at him.

"Hi," he said shyly.
Without hesitation, I ran into his wet chest, hugging him tight. His muscular arms slid around my back, pulling me close to him. We eventually let go and stood close to each other. It was silent between us and the raindrops were falling hard on the roof of the porch.

"Follow me," Justin said, holding my hand, encouraging me to come with him. He led me out into the rain and stopped in the middle of the street. My hair and clothes were instantly getting wet from the eater pouring down on us.

"Why are we out here?" I asked.

"I dunno, but I've always wanted to do this..." He said, pulling me closer by the waist. He raises my chin and his soft lips met mine. I couldn't help but smile, it felt amazing to have him this close!

"(YN)," Justin said, after ending the kiss, "I really REALLY like you...a lot. I just flew from the other side of the country, and I can't be without you. I don't know if you feel the same way, but you make my heart race and you make me have butterflies in my stomach. I've never felt this way before. All I'm trying to say is... (YN), will you be mine? Will you be my girlfriend?" His Brown hair was dripping down his face.

"Justin, it's been hard for me with relationships, but I'll give it a try." I kissed him again, cherishing the moment.

"We can make it work. So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at it everyday, but I want to do that because I want YOU. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me...everyday." he whispered the last part to me with a big grin. He picked me up with my legs around his waist, and spun me around in the pouring rain before passionately kissing me again.

The End!


  1. Cute story is it the last chapter?¿?¿? ~Tatiana M.

  2. AWWWWWWWW That was a really cute chapter ♥
    I cant believe this is the last chapter This was a really nice story
    Can you make a new story with a lot of Drama?
    You should continue Birthday it was a nice story♥
    Love Yea♥
    - Karen♥


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