5 Feb 2013

Those Three Little Words: Chapter 19

Hey guys! Here's the next chapter! Also, i am doing some personal imagines, but I can't guarantee that you'll get one. But if you want, comment your name(OR NICKNAME) and where you live! But anyways, you guys are literally amazing, and if you haven't heard, i'm writing another story and I need your opinion. I am going to have one direction come in right away, and no Justin for awhile, is that okay? Leave some comments and let me know!


I woke up early the next morning, around 8am. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to my mom. I looked over, and I saw that she was extremely sad. I scooted closer to her and put my arms around her.

YN: Mom, please don't be sad. You know that i'm going to come back and visit every chance I get. I'll always be just a phone call away.

YM: I know honey, it's just that you're growing up so fast. I hate it, but I know that you have too. Why don't you call Emily, she should know.

I smiled, I really didn't want to leave my mom, but I wanted too, and I could tell she wanted what I did.

YN: Oh, i'll be right back.

I ran upstairs to grab my phone. As I walked in, Justin started talking in his sleep. I giggled, he was so cute! I grabbed my phone off of the charger and walked back downstairs. I went into the kitchen to find food, while calling Emily. It rang a few times before she answered.

EL: Heeeey (YN)!
YN: Em!
EL: Yeah? Is something wrong?
YN: I have something to tell you.
EL: I'll be right over.

I didn't even say anything before she hung up. I found some cereal and sat down to eat a bowl. Just as I finished my cereal, Emily came walking in the door. She greeted my mom and then walked right into the kitchen and stood next to me.

YN: Hey!

I said as I got up to put my bowl in the sink.

EL: What did you have to tell me girlie?

YN: Uh, you might want to sit down for a minute.

She grabbed a chair next to mine and I sat next to her. She looked at me with worried eyes.

YN: Em, Justin's here and he invited me to travel with him for awhile. I won't be at school, he got me a tutor. I won't be home often either.
She looked at me with teary eyes. I got up and grabbed her. I started to cry. Emily and I never spent any of our free time without each other for the past 7 years. We were almost too close. I hated to leave on such short notice, but our plane left tonight. We stood there in the kitchen sobbing on each others shoulders. She pulled away from me and smiled.

EL: It'll be okay, we can talk everyday about the new drama, and about absolutely nothing, I just want you to be happy baby.
YN: Em, I'm going to miss you so much!
EL: I'm coming to the award show, we can see each other again in a few weeks. When does you flight leave?
YN: It leaves tonight. That's the problem.

She tried to hide her sadness with a smile. I hugged her again.

EL: We still have the rest of the day! Let's not spend it crying, let's go do something!
YN: Justin's still sleeping upstairs, should we just leave him?

We both laughed and nodded. I guess he'd understand. He'd be fine spending the day here with my mom and Gabbi anyways. We quietly walked upstairs and I grabbed an outfit to change into. I walked into the bathroom and changed into this: http://www.polyvore.com/royal_blue/set?id=68945567. I left a note on Justin's phone telling him that we were leaving for the day. Today, was me and Em day. Just us, all day, alone. I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, she was my best friend. I walked downstairs and Emily was down there with my mom.

YN: Ready to go?
EL: I was born ready!

We laughed and walked outside to my car. We just drove around until we found places to go. Before we stopped anywhere, Justin had texted me.

JB: Hey babe(: So you and Emily are spending the day together before we leave right? I'll just leave it to you two<3 You have until 11 until we leave. See you soon<3
YN: Hey Bieber! Me and Emily are just driving around now, we were thinking about going to this party we were invited to before we leave! Wanna come?
JB: Sure! Text me when you come back, so I can get ready(:
YN: Will do<3 Much Love, Bye xxx

We stopped at the mall, of course, went for a game of bowling, did about as much as we could fit into a day. It soon became dark outside and we started to head home to get ready. I texted Justin, telling him to get ready. Even though he still had to wait for us to get ready. We soon pulled into the driveway and walked to the house.

YN: Hey Justin!
JB: Hey Princess!

We hugged and me and Emily walked upstairs to get ready. We changed into these outfits (mine on left, emily's on right): http://www.polyvore.com/party_with_some_friends/set?id=68951542. I wanted to make an impression before I left these people. My whole grade was supposed to be there. Plus some graduates and a few juniors. This would probably be the best party of the year. It was at a seniors house down the street from mine. We went downstairs and met Justin.

JB: Wow, you look amazing babe!

I blushed.

YN: Thanks! Should we leave now, we're already late.

We went outside and decided to take a car. With in a few minutes, we arrived at the party, and there were A LOT of people already. We walked inside and our friend from school, Jake Brown, greeted us. He was the owner of the house.

JakB: YO! (YN)! EMILY!... and Justin Bieber?
JB: Yeah man

They did this man hug type thing. I wasn't really sure exactly what it was. We walked inside and there was a blur of people. And loud music coming from the back yard. We made our way through the house, greeting people one by one. We went to the kitchen to get something to drink. I told Jake to not have alcohol, I was not about to get in trouble. Luckily there wasn't any. We just grabbed some fruit punch and headed to the back yard. Everybody was dancing or sitting around talking. Another senior cam up to Justin and took him away from us. I was glad he was having some fun and people liked him.

YN: Hey!
EL: Yeah?
YN: Let's dance!

I pulled her arm into the middle of the backyard and we started dancing. The song Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO was playing. Just then, a group of guys started towards us. They were dancing around us and I felt uncomfortable.

YN: Hey Em, I'm gonna go find Justin.

She grabbed my arm.

EL: Don't leave!

All of the guys were saying things like "Don't leave pretty thang" or "Keep dancing sexy". I was so not about to stay. I started walking towards the house and a guy grabbed my arm. I had know idea who he was.

?: Don't leave.
YN: Who are you? Let me go!

He pulled me closer.

?: Just one dance?
YN: No stop!

He let go of me and I walked/ran away. I had my head down and just kept going. I ran out to the car, trying not to attract any attention. I just wanted to be alone for awhile, I didn't even want Justin. I sat in Emily's car and I heard a familiar voice yelling for me...

Did ya like it? The next chapter will be up tomorrow, because I know that I left this one a little suspenseful... But remember to tell me what you think about my new story, and this one! Love you guys, byyyee, xxx



  1. LUV and i bet the other story will be just as good if not better...thanx 4 writeing chapter 19.....ANd can i have a personal.... My names JAY and i live in georgia.....thanx

  2. I really want to read your new story but post it when you finish this story♥
    This was such a sick Chapter
    I really enjoyed reading it♥
    and now I wanna read the next chapter♥
    Post Soon
    Love Yea
    PS: May I plz have a personal Imagine
    My name is Karen(14) and I live in Ontario Canada

  3. So freaking amazing MORE

  4. Loved it! it was really good!

  5. I loved it.I really love your stories.I'm a big Fan ♡
    P.S:Can I have a personal imagine please? It would me a lot to me.My name's Magalie (nickname: Mag) I'm 14 and I live in San Diego, California.Thank you!

  6. your imagines are SO awesome! love them, post sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!

  7. Awesome.Who was yelling for (YN)? Can't wait


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