26 Feb 2013

Request for Itzel

enjoy xx

Name: Itzel

Nationality (home country): USA

Eye color: brown

Hair color: brown

Boy (Most probably want Justin, but you can choose another guy): Justin (Maybe some 1D)

Idea to plot (optional): ?


I tightened the grab around my boyfriend’s hand. He had blindfolded me and I right he was guiding me through some outside area. I heard screams in the distance but besides I had no idea where we were.
“Justin where are you taking me?”
“Just wait a second Itzel, we’re almost there”
“But I can’t wait”
I whined earning a laugh from Justin.
“Always so impatient”
I felt his soft lips pressing to my forehead and I smiled, I loved the feeling of his lips on my skin.
“There’s a little step up here honey”
As I walked up I felt a sudden warm around me, we were inside now.
“Alright you can take of the blindfold”
I quickly ripped it off my eyes, expecting something incredible. I was fairly disappointed when I realized we were just in an empty white hallway. Justin must have seen my face fall, and he quickly wrapped a strong arm around my shoulder.
“Don’t look that upset beautiful, you still haven’t seen your surprise”
I looked up at him wrinkling my brows. Justin bend down his back and placed a delicate kiss on my lips.
“You know your eyes look so much darker brown when you aren’t completely happy or satisfied”
I laughed at Justin’s words and intertwined our hands. Justin smiled down at me, placing yet another kiss on my forehead.
“I can’t wait to see how surprised you’re going to be”
Justin squeezed my hand before we started walking down the hallway. I begged him to give me more information but he kept his mouth shut.

We hadn’t walked that far before Justin stopped me. In front of us was a plain white door. He smirked down at me.
I nodded excitedly. He knocked on the door. It took a few seconds before a deep British accent rang out ‘come in’.
Justin pushed the door open and my jaw dropped to the floor. In front of me were some of my biggest idols: ONE DIRECTION. They all looked up and big smiles formed on their faces.
“Justin! Great to see you man”
Niall spoke up getting up from the couch as well. All the lads soon followed along all bringing Justin in for their man-hugs.
“And who’s this beauty you brought along?”
Harry’s green eyes caught mine and he sent me a dimpled showing smile. I giggled slightly feeling my cheeks redden.
“This is MY beautiful girlfriend Itzel who’s also a huge fan of you guys”
Justin explained while wrapping an arm protectively around me shoulder. I smiled at his jealous side and turned to the boys.
“I can’t believe it’s actually you. You are absolutely amazing”
I stated earning wide grins from all of them.
“Well thank you, it means a lot when it’s coming from a beauty like you”
Niall answered and winked at me. Giggling slightly I felt Justin’s arm tighten around my shoulder.
“Are you staying for the show?”
Liam asked Justin which he nodded a ‘yes’ to.
After getting hugs and pictures with all of the boys Justin and I left them to get to the arena.

“Don’t be so jealous Justin”
Once again he had turned his attention away from my babbling about one direction on the ride home.
“I’m not jealous”
He muttered under his breath.
“Hey look at me now Justin”
We were sitting on the back seat and he now forced himself to turn to look at me. I grabbed his face in my hands connecting our brown eyes.
“I love you, only you”
A small grin spread over his lips and I leaned forward to kiss his lips.
“Only me?”
He mumbled when our lips still pressed together.
“Only you”
I assured him as our lips moved along, smiles spreading over both our faces.


  1. I cannot describe how happy and thankful I am , it was great , I love it , thank you sooooo much ! Please keep writing because you are a great writer . Thanks again! :D

    -Itzel (:

  2. OMB
    You write really nice and I love this story it's Awesome
    Bye love you


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