2 Dec 2012

In love with my bestfriend

Hey folks :)
Thanks for watching the vid and the compliments, you're all too amazing :) my accent is very weird tho, it's very flat and Danish :P
And I am not beautiful but thank you anyways, you guys are stunning for sure! xx
The story is going to be with NIall because I've never written one with him before :)
Enjoy this last one hsot before Miles apart starts the next time!
Happy December :)


A knock on the door pulled me out from my slight slumber. Shuffling over the floor I tried to adjust my sweatshirt and messy hair. Sighting at my look I opened the door. Outside my beautiful brown eyes best friend was standing with a goofy smile on his face. The smile disappeared when he saw what a state I was in.
"Omg (YN) baby what happened?"
Storming in and slamming the door behind him he brought me in for a tight hug. I didn't say a word I just hugged him closer. Without more words he picked me up and lifted me to the couch. I didn't protest, I was just happy that we was here to take care of me. When we sat down he puled a bit away. Holding my hands in his he looked deep in my eyes.
"Is it him?"
I nodded. My boyfriend had cheated on me, he had never treated me very good and Justin knew that, but I had been blinded by love. The other day I showed up at his place as a surprise, turned out I was the one who was surprised. In tangled in another girl's body I found him having sex with her on the couch. From that point I hadn't spoken to anyone. I ran home and dig down in a big fort under my duvet. I had been there the whole day yesterday. Today I had gotten up and changed in to this cloth. I must have fallen asleep on the couch and now Justin had woken me up.
"Come here babygirl"
Pulling me in to his arms I let the tears fall. Justin soothed me back and forth leaving small kiss on top of my hair. He didn't say a word, he could have been bragging and saying 'what did I tell you?*, but he didn't. He was like the perfect best friend should be, caring and sweet trying to comfort his best girl friend. My tears was soaking his shirt in but he didn't complain. He jut kept stroking my back whispering sweet nonsense down my hair.  sniffled in trying to calm myself down. My boyfriend had been a douche and I didn't really love him.. My heart belonged to another guy.. a perfect guy.. my best friend.. Justin Drew Bieber. The boy who was taking care of me right now.
"You're feeling better babe?"
Justin pulled a bit away scanning over my face. I nodded.
"Now show me that beautiful smile"
I shook my head as his words looking down. His fingers tickled over my sides and I broke out in a wide grin along with a squeal.
"There it is"
Justin grinned widely holding my cheeks in his hands. I laughed bringing him in for a hug.
"Thank you for being here for me Justin"
"That's what friends are for"
My heart broke again at the word friend but I pretended like nothing happened. We sat normally up in the sofa.
"You know what we should do?"
I shook my head at his question, what was he up to now?
"Don't you have some of his stuff over here? and maybe some pictures?"
"I think I have"
"Great, let's go find it"
Jumping up Justin pulled me after him. I still felt kind of devastated about my current situation as single, but with Justin by my side it helped my hurting heart a bit. We roamed through my room finding different things of my ex's. Also I found some pictures of memories we had shared through the time we spent together.
"Got it all?"
Justin was still enthusiastic, but searching through memories had brought tears back in my eyes. He seemed to notice but decided to let it pass.
"Come on then"
He grabbed my hand leading me out from my place. We got to the little back yard. Justin started collecting branches and leaves in a big bowl. I sat down flipping through the pictures. A warm float of tears ran over my cheeks. Maybe he wasn't the perfect guy, my ex, but when he wanted he really treated me well and we were great together. Sighting deeply I looked up. Justin was leaning over the bowl where a big staple of branches and leaves were collected. His eyes were shining and a smile was curling over his lips. Framing his face was his deep brown hair looking oh so soft. I smiled to myself, I wish Justin felt the same way about me. Now when I wasn't with my ex anymore my feelings for Justin felt ten times stronger. He looked over and saw my sad expression. He gestured me to come over and I did, bringing all the stuff along.
"You ready to get over him and move on?"
I nodded. He grabbed all the stuff and just like that he threw it in the bowl. Grabbing a lighter he sat it all on fire. Very symbolic did I see all the pictures crumble together along with my memories of the guy that had shattered my heart in to pieces. Justin's arm lounged around my shoulder pulling me closer. I rested my head on his shoulders smiling a bit to myself. Maybe him cheating on me wasn't that bad? Well i was sad yeah, but my heart belonged to Justin.. I just wish he felt the same.
I turned to look up at Justin. He stroke the tears away from my cheeks.
"No more crying, okay? He's gone now, and your heart can open for a new guy right?"
I smiled and nodded. I locked my arms around his sculptured torso feeling his chest move with his heart beat.
Again he said my name. it sounded so melodic coming from his perfect shaped lips. I looked up at him. Before I knew it his lips were pressed to mine. I was in utter shock if the sensation it created through my body. Warm and tingle spread through my whole body making me knees go weak. All too soon he pulled away his expression filled with horror and regret.
"I..- I'm.. so so so sorry (YN). I don't know what took over me.. You..- You're just.. wow I like.. I really like you (YN)."
He stuttered out. When he confessed the last bit his eyes turned to the ground beneath him. Smiling I stepped closer to him lifting up his chin. Brushing my lips against his he returned my grin
"I really like you too Justin. I've never felt happier with any person by my side"
Grinning widely Justin pulled me close forcing our lips completely together. My world spun around making me all giddy. This day had started out as crap but Justin, my best friend and my love, had changed it to the happiest day in my whole life.



  1. I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH ... THANK U ... U MAKE MY DAY.. And dont worry you look stunning and your accent is to adorable ;)<3 xoxo *huge fan*

  2. This was really cute


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