7 Feb 2012

Love story. Chapter 4

Chapter 4

'I bet you will find a girl who will really love you'

Next day I woke up and looked through the window. 'What a beautiful day' I thought. The sun was shining and it was like +29 temperature outside. I did my morning routine like always and dressed in this http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/.... I walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Dad: Good morning. Did you slept well?
*I nod my head*
Mom: Breakfast is ready.
YN: Okey, thanks.
*David came*
David: Morning all. Mom, did you told [YN] about our trip?
YN: What trip?
Mom: Justin's mom invited us to come on a trip with them for a few days.
YN: What trip? Where we'll go?
Mom: To Atlantic city, they reserved there a little beach territory, for that other people couldn't disturb our little holidays *she giggled*
YN: That sound great *I was excited* But... Justin is coming too, right?
David: Well, yeah. I there a problem with that?

'Of course there's a problem, what if he tries to kiss me again and I wont be able to refuse, cause I might have feelings for him?' I was thinking. 'But I can't tell my bro and parents about this.

YN: Well, no. So when are we going?
Dad: After breakfast. We'll go on their private plain with them.
I had finished my breakfast, packed all my stuff and with  my family drove to the area when the plain was. Justin, Justin's mom Pattie and sister Jazzy was already there.
Pattie: Hello. We are gonna have great holidays together *she smiled*
Mom: I hope we'll have our girl time without boys *she giggled*

I could feel Justin is staring at me but I didn't looked at him.
We took our stuff and went on the plain. It was my first time on the plain so I was a little scared. I sat on the seat and looked through the window.

JB: Hey. *he sat next to me*

YN: Hi *I mumbled*
JB: I  want to apologize for yesterday.
*I didn't say anything*
JB: I didn't know what I was thinking. I was sad 'cause...well.. I broke up with my girlfriend Selena a week ago and I just...I missed being with someone and just having a girl by my side. I'm sorry for that kiss, I didn't know whats got into me.
YN: *I looked at him* You didn't told about your break up.
JB: Cause it was hard for me, cause I kinda like her though... *he looked down*
YN: *I could feel that his heart was broken at that moment* Oh, don't be sad. And don't worry, I bet you will find a girl who will really love you and care for your feelings. *I smiled*
JB: I guess you are right, thanks *he smiled back*

The plain took off and my heart raised up, it was a bit scary.

JB: Is this your first time on a plain?
YN: Yes and it's scary, cause I'm afraid of high.
JB: *he took my hand* You shouldn't be afraid cause you have me by your side. Don't forget, I'm your friend. *he giggled* By the way, the flight  will take only an hour or two.
YN: I feel safer now *I laughed*  I probably will take a little nap.
JB: Ok *he smiled*

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Justin's POV: 
I was thinking: 'I'm so happy that she wasn't mad about that kiss and we are still friends. And just looking at her while she is asleep, gives me warm feelings. Oh no Justin, you can't fall in love with [YN], cause you just broke up with Selena. I still have feeling for her, my heart is still broken...'
End of Justin's POV

JB: [YN], wake up, we are here.
YN: Mom... five more minutes *I said still asleep*
JB: I'm not your mom! *he laughed*

I opened my eyes and saw Justin smiling at me.

YN: mom, have you did a plastic surgery or what? *I laughed hard*
JB: yes, my dear *he laughed too*

Justin helped me to stand up.

YN: So where are we going now?
JB: To hotel for check in and then we'll have plenty of time to do what we want :)
David: I will go and get something to eat!
*everyone laughed*
YN: *I looked at Justin and smiled* Ok then, lets go.

We drove to the hotel with a private car and checked in to get our rooms.

 If you have some ideas for next chapter, tell me :) 
- xoxo, Neringa 


  1. I may end up in the same room, or their room may be facing. I =don't know. There could be a sexy time on the beach, night or day. *Some Ideas*

  2. More! Gal pvz ką nors mielo papludimy arba galėtu Justinas užeit i jos kambari ir kartu žiūreti filma, drauge užmigti :) Kolkas nieko. Kad nebūtu pradžiai per daug :D supranti?

  3. they start to fall in love. selena comes wanting him back and he kisses her but pushes her away and [yn] sees. he reassures her that it was a mistake and all they break out into an argument which leads to wink wink.,


If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.