22 Apr 2012

falling for a fan: chapter 56 you're beautiful

Hey :)
I'm so so so so so so sorry it's been so long! I've been very busy! I hope you all forgive me :)
And... WE GOT 100K PAGE VIEWS! Thank you all so much! There will be a thank you-video up soon ;) I just have to fix myself up so I can record myself :P haha ;)

chapter 56: You're beautiful
YD: I trust you and my daughter Justin, but she's only 15
JB: I know, but I really hope you'll let her go. It would mean a lot to her and me.
YD: how are these 1D boys?
JB: they are very nice and would never do anything to (YN). They are mature and grown ups, nothing will happen. You got my word
I smiled to myself, he was so sweet. I hoped he could convince my dad
YD: well I thought about, and I will give her the permission
JB: I'm very glad to hear
I walked in the room, pretending that I didn't hear what they say
YN: goodmorning
YD: morning sweetheart
JB: goodmoring sunshine
I pulled a chair out and sat down beside my dad. The table was filled with different cereals, drinks, bread and stuff to put on your bread. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal.
YN: sorry if I interrupted you
I started eating my cereal, Justin sent me a smile. He knew I heard them for sure, I could read it in his eyes.
YD: actually I was just telling Justin some great news
YN: what?
I looked at my dad with hope shining in my eyes
YD: You're allowed to go to London
I jumped up from my chair and ran to him. I crashed my arms around him from behind
YD: if you promise to call me every night
YN: Of course dad! OMG Thank you sooooo much!
He laughed as I squeezed him. I sat back down on my chair.
YN: How long are we staying there anyway?
YD: Justin and I agreed that you'll leave Friday morning, skipping school, and then come home sunday evening
YN: amazing! It's gonna be awesome
We finished eating talking about what we were gonna do when we came to London. At some point my brother and Mom came down to join us. My brother seemed just as excited as me, and my mom was excited for us.
YN: well I'm gonna go up and call Holly and Hayden, did you talk with their parents?
YM: yes, they are allowed to go as well
YN: great, thank you for breakfast
JB: yeah thank you for breakfast
Justin and I cleaned our dishes and went up to my room. I walked in, Justin following me behind. Just as he closed the door behind him, I jumped around his neck.
I yelled it out while jumping up and down. Justin was jumping and screaming with me. We broke apart and I threw my self on the bed. Justin laid down beside me.
YN: wow that was hard workout
Justin chuckled
YN: I'm so excited! I can't believe you could convince him
JB;: You know, I'm charming
I laughed and rolled over to lay on my side. Justin rolled as well and we looked in each others. Justin stroke a lock of my hair behind my ear. I smiled and felt my cheeks go red. Lol wtf? why did I blush now. Maybe just the fact that Justin was so close to me. I could feel everytime he breathed. His eyes were shining in to mine. I could see his chest moving when he breathed. I could see every little inch of his flawless face so close. HIs touch sent shivers through my body. His hand swept carefully down my cheek

JB: You know how beautiful you are?
I giggled and looked down. I knew I wasn't ugly, but beautiful? don't think so! And when Justin told me I just felt so special.
JB: Do you want me to use some 1D lyrics?
I looked up in confusement. Justin started singing. HIs angelic voice flew around me.
JB(singing): You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-oo-or. Don't need make up, to cover up. Being the way that you are, is enou'ou'ough.
YN: Justin stop it!
I Pushed his chest playfully while giggling, but he kept singing, only raising his voice because of my words.
JB(singing): Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but yo'ou
YN: shut up man!
I sat up. JUstin sat up beside me. I could feel my shole face burnng, he continues singing
JB(singing): Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh
You don't know you're beautiful
I got up from the bed and walked away from him. But Justin got up and grabbed my wrist. He spun me around so I was facing him. HIs sweet voice surrounded me as he stepped closer.
JB(singing): So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a song
I don't know why
You're being shy
And turn away when I look into you eyes

I had to stop him from singing, he was making me weak here! I loved his voice and the fact that he thought I was beautiful, but I didn't like him giving me so much attention and complimentation
I crashed my lips on his. Justin's hands went directly around my neck and pressed our lips closer. Our bodies were pressed close and so was our lips. My hands ran up his back and I held around his waist. I could feel him breathing, his chest moving up and down fastly. HIs tongue went in my mouth and my heart raced.. I loved him. I loved him with every little celle in my body. After making out I pulled away for him
JB: I like your way to shut me up
I shook my head but couldn't help but laugh at his smirk, he was amazing.
YN: thank you for the song, don't do it again
He laughed at my serious tone.
JB: hey can I take a shower?
YN: sure, they bathroom is right there
I pointed to the door in the corner of my room. Justin nodded, grabbed his bag from the floor, kissed my cheek and headed to take a shower. I picked my phone up and called Holly firstly. She freaked out when I told her we was going to London. After I called Hayden, same thing happened. I promised to help them both pick outfits on Tuesday, our day where we were early off from school. After I had talked with them I texted all the boys
(YN) to Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn and  Liam:
Hey guys :)
Just got off the phone with Holly and Hayden, we'll see you next weekend!
We're all coming friday! Can't wait.. LONDON BABY
Love (YN) xx
I recieved textes from all of them, all happy and cheeky. These guys were too awesome. After that Justin still hadn't finished his shower, i decicded to dress up in this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=47240359 I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked
YN(yelling): aye girl are you done soon or can't you fix you make up somewhere else?
I heard Justin drop something on the floor and swear
YN: watch your mouth Bieber!
JB(yelling): I dropped my hair gele
I laughed at how pissed he sounded
YN: sorry girl
He smacked the door open. I laughed at his face, he was soo girl pissed!
JB: just shup up little girl
He placed both his hands in my hair and messed it up, I laughed and he did as well.  I skipped in to the bathroom. I placed my hair in a ponytail and added a bit of mascara. Perfect. I went back out to Justin. He was just on the phone with Kenny. My eyes went over his and I smiled. He was dressed like this: http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/mf/justin_bieber_ces_120112/justin-bieber-appears-with-tosy-robotics-as_5778553.jpg So hot!
JB(on the phone): alright, We'll be there in 15! See you man, bye
He hung up and placed his phone in his pocket. He looked up and our eyes met. I felt my cheeks darken a bit
JB: you're beautiful babe
YN: you don't look too bad yourself
Justin laughed as I wink and gave him an elevator look.
JB: you're ready to go?
YN: where are we going?
JB: you'll have to wait and see
YN(whining); I hate surprises
JB: stop whining princess and let's go
He grabbed my hand and I sighted. We went downstairs and said bye to my parents. We promised to be home for coffee at 3, my grandparents from my mother's side were coming. I missed these oldies.. hehe ;) We went out to the car and Justin held my door
YN: thanks
Justin went over to the driverseat and started the car. We started driving just listening to the speakers monotone voice in the radio. We were driving to the city, but I still had no idea where we were going...

More? comment :)


  1. More Please !!!!! Loving it !!!!!!

  2. woooooow this is soooo cooool


  4. I'm really late on reading this lol. But this story is so addicting haha.


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