19 May 2012

falling for a fan: chapter 69 Brits know how to party

Hey guys :)
Sorry for the late update, I've been busy :)
I want to hear, is it annoying that I post so many links? I just find it easier to imagine when there are some pics? what do you think? :) please tell me! I was wondering if you want me to post pics of how Holly and Hayden look? I have an idea of how I want them to look, but perhaps you just want to have your own picture of them? tell me what you think :)
I laughed so hard at the comment saying I should be a porn producer! lmfao that made my WEEK :D
It's funny how you said Zayn could find together with Selena, I hadn't thought about that... hmmm ;) well I have an idea for where all this is going, so just keep reading and commenting and you'll find out :)
And you're right, i can't believe we're at chapter 69, it's crazy! it's all because of you guys, so thank you all and keep reading and commenting! I need answers to my different questions ;) I need 10 comments, now enjoy :)

Chapter 69: Brits know how to party
Our cab pulled up in front of a big house. We were a bit outside of London's center. The house belonged to Harry and Louis. They were throwing their birthday in there. They had told us that there would be around a 100 people, mostly old friends. Justin was one of the only celebrities besides the boys. I looked at my phone when Justin was pushing my wheelchair up to the house. It was 8.15. (it's told that this should be their house http://surfme.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/article-2082477-0f57982a00000578-988_468x292.jpg )
The fountain was lighted up by huge floodlight projectors. Small lamps were placed along the road. We went up to the head door. I could hear the music banging from the house. Those boys seemed to know how to throw a party. 
HP: do we have gifts for them?
Hayden's eyes opened wide as she seemed to remember it was a birthday party
JB: no worries. I fixed them two  VIP season cards for all football matches in England
CS: great
Chaz knocked on the door and I felt my heart go crazy in my chest. I was going to Zayn in a bit, and I had no idea how to act or react... The door was opened by a beautiful young lady. Her brown hair was floating perfectly wavy down her shoulders. She opened her mouth and spoke with an incredible English accent
??: hello guys and welcome. I'm Eleanor Calder, Louis' girlfriend
She sent us all a friendly smile.  She was absolutely stunning. (Let's say her and Lou are dressed like this: http://images.sugarscape.com/userfiles/image/SEPTEMBER2011/BIRTHDAYFRANK/270911loelmain.jpg )
YN: Wow you're beautiful
I heard all my friends smack their foreheads. Eleanor giggled
EC: thank you love, you're very beautiful yourself.
YN: oh thanks
I sent her a smile.
RB: do you always speak your mind?
I turned my head to look at Ryan. He was sending me a sceptical look. I shrugged
YN: yeah
They all laughed at me, including Eleanor
EC: that's good thing
YN: thank you
I gave her an approaching nod, which caused everyone to laugh again
EC: Come on in
She held the door completely open and I pushed myself in. The others went right behind me. Ryan closed the door behind us. We were standing in a big entrance hall. I could hear the music blasting in the room right next to us.
EC: you can just put your jackets here
Eleanor opened a big closet and we all got out of our coats.
EC: Louis told what happened with your foot. I'm so sorry, the papz can be harsh
YN: yeah, but it's alright. It doesn't really hurt anymore
Eleanor and I were 'walking', i was rolling, a bit ahead of the others. She opened the big doors that lead into a huge room. The room was kinda dark and filled with balloons. The music was blasting from DJ in the other end of the room. There were people dancing and sitting around everywhere. They all had drinks in their hands. Everything was loud and noisy. Eleanor saw how my eyes widened at all the balloons.
EC: you know how childish the boys can be
We both chuckled. Eleanor nodded her head towards the DJ in the other end of the room. I tried to follow her, but I tell you a crowded party and a wheelchair is not a good cocktail. After a lot of puxhing and apoligizing I finally arrived at the DJ place. Eleanor was standing there with two drinks in her hands.
EC: here you go sweetheart
She handed me a drink and I took a zip, not bad
EC: sorry I left you out there, but it's not easy to see you in that chair
I laughed
YN: no worries. I found my own way through
We both laughed a bit.
LT: Hello loves
A well dressed Louis walked uo beside Eleanor and I. He leaned down and gave me a hug.
LT: what's that?
As Louis pulled away his eyes kept looking on my neck. He started rubbing his fingers on a spot.
YN: what you doing?
I wrinkled my eyebrows as he stepped back. Louis' eyes twinkled. I suddenly knew what it was..
YN: don't,,
I send him a deathstare. I looked around, my friends were pushing their way through. I did not want them to hear it.
LT: oh I'll wait a second
YN: please Lou..
I placed my hand to cover up my hickie. Eleanor was loooking back and forth between Lou and I, suddenly it looked like she knew what it was about. Her mouth shaped and Oohh.
HS: hi Louis
Holly came up as the first. The others arrived pretty soon and we were all gathered.
LT: You guys seen (YN)'s neck?
They all looked weird at first Louis then me. They saw my hand covering a spot and Chaz was the fastest. His mouth formed a grin.
CS: someone really had fun huh'?
He winked at me. I looked at Justin. He looked like a lost puppy. He walked over to me and laid his hands on each of my shoulders. He stood behind me.
LT: It's a lovebite!!
Louis shrieked and everyone turned to me. My face turned bright red and they all burst out laughing. I could feel Justin's hands shaking on my shoulders cause of laughing. I removed my hand and took a zip from my drink. They all laughed and after some time stopped!
YN: you're done?
I raised my eyebrows and they all laughed a bit more.
JB: sorry babe
Justin leaned down from behind and placed a sweet kiss on my neck
YB: oh don't give her one whem I'm looking Bieber, she's my sister!!!
They all laughed some more, and I had to join in laughing along.
H: hey folks
Harry came walking up from behind Louis. He threw his arms around Lou's waist and they stood swaying to the music. Eleanor shook her head with a giggled
EC: sometimes I think my boyfriend wants Harry more than me
I laughed. Louis looked at Harry then Eleanor...
LT: sometimes
He winked and caused us all to laugh some more. Harry thanked us all for the gift before pulling Louis to the dancefloor. Hayden and my brother went to find a quiet place, they were so boring. Ryan and Chaz went out to pick up ladies. After some discussing they got Justin along. I told him to go out and get a hot british girl. Before he left he whispered me something about a threesome... teenboys!!!
EC: come on girls
Eleanor, Holly and I went to the left side of the living room. There were placed some tables. Some high without chairs, some with chairs. At one of the tables Liam and a stunning curly haired girl were sitting.
YN: I'm guessing that's Danielle, Liam's girlfriend?
EC: you're right
We went up to them
LP: good to see you girls
Liam gave both Holly and I a hug.
LP: this is my girlfriend Danielle ( http://boatsongs.com/gallery/Scripts/danielle-peazer-tattoo-i10.jpg )
DP: nice to meet you girls
Danielle raised and gave us both a hug. We all sat down around the table. Danielle went to fix Holly and herself a drink. Liam went away to talk with different people. Danille came back and we all started talking. It was hillarious, those british girls were the shit.
DP: so I know you're dating Justin, but what about you Holly?
Danielle and Eleanor both turned their attenion towards Holly. She shrugged innocently.
EC: not a single attractive boy in here you could go for?
Holly's cheeks turned a bit red. I thought for a while...
YN: let me guess, is the special boy's name starting with a N?
Holly's cheeks got a deeper red.
YN: something like, Sail? Kyle?... oh wait NIALL!
Holly went completely red and Eleanor started laughing hysterical.
HS: what??
Holly gestured her arms. Eleanor finally caught her breath again
EC: You like Niall?
Holly shrugged
HS: kinda
EC: Niall is the most adorable thing ever, go for him
YN: why did you laugh?
EC: It's just I had no idea that was your type, I thought you were in to like the hardcore boys, Niall is like the sweetest boy you'll ever meet
DP: it's true! But you should sooooo go for it! I think he's at the bar right now actually.
We all turned to the bar and it was true. Zayn and Niall were standing at the bar. Zayn.. Oh shit my heart raced in my chest. Holly went to the bar with no hesitating. We watched as she poked the boys shoulders and recieved hug from them both. They talked for a  bit and she pointed to our table. Niall yelled something, but the music was too loud so we just waved back at him. Suddenly Zayn started walking down to our table. My hands started to get sweaty. What the actual fuck!? I hated myself for reacting like this, I had Justin and I loved him!
ZM: hi girls
Zayn placed himself down in Holly's now empty seat. He had a beer in his hand and damn he was looking good: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/401668_427560487257771_192346740779148_1737082_1476023644_n.jpg
YN: hello
I sent him a smile and he returned. I came with a relieving sight, inside of myself of course.
EC: I'll have to go
Eleanor pointed at a dancing Louis who was calling her name. I laughed and she got up.
DP: I'll go find Liam
Danielle got up as well. She turned and walked away. Alright.. I turned my face back to Zayn. He was sitting with a cheeky smile. I had no idea if this was a good idea.. at all!
YN: happy birthday
ZM: thanks
None of us said anything. The music were blasting in my ears. it's hard to look right, at you BABY, but here's my number, so call me maybe
Everywhere people were singing along having a good time, and here I was sitting completely silent with Zayn...
ZM: enoying the party so far?
Zayn leaned comfortable down his seat. He took a zip from his beer, not taking his eyes of my face
YN. yeah, you guys really know how to throw a party
-Zayn grinned.
ZM: thanks
He was a whole other person tonight. Like a more relaxed. Maybe I should relax a bit. I took a zip of my drink and let my shoulders go down to their normal place
ZM: why are you so tensed up?
Zayn's dark eyes looked at me with worry
YN: nothing
I sent him a big smile.
ZM: that's good
He drank some more, still keeping his eyes on my every move. We sat a while in silence. I looked around on everyone dancing
YN: i wish I could dance as well.
ZM: you can!
Zayn placed his beer on the table and got up. He walked closer to me. I could feel his warm body right in front of me. He held out his hand
YN: what?
I tilted my head. What was he trying to?
ZM: let's dance
YN: I can't..
ZM: come on
He sent me an optimistic smile and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and I slammed in his body. Oh gosh my heart went nuts!
ZM: now let's go
I jumped on my one leg while Zayn was holding an arm around my waist. We got to the middle of the dancefloor. Zayn placed my arms gently around his own neck and his hands on my waist. I stood with my one leg up and we started swaying to the music.. suddenly a slow song came on........

Is Zayn gonna ruin it all? comment for more! I need at least 10 comments <3


  1. NOOOOOO , AMAZING CHAPTER BUT NOOO THIS IS TOO MUCH DRAMA FOR MY LAMA !!!!! ZAYN BETTER NOT RUIN THIS I CANT WAIT FOR THE OUTCOME OF THIS CHAPTER !!!!!!!!!!!!! Justin AND I ARE HAPPY TOGETHER <3 lol BUT LET'S HOPE WE STAY TOGETHER Yes I enjoy the clothing links it allow me to develope better visualization yet for the people I enjoy imagining them myself <3 But I love when u post like for example pics of Justin an what he looks like at the "current moment "

  2. oh my gooowd this chap is amazing as every chapter you write is. I hope zayn is not gonna do something he'II regrat later and the girl "me" as well.Hope it's going to be a nice party tho and everyone will enjoy themselves. and yeah zayn and selena would make a sweet couple!!! xx

  3. aw and I do like the cltohing links, It's amazing and gives me a better image to imagine how they really might look like :) keep on doind this ! x

  4. OMG!!!MORE!MORE!MORE!!!<3

  5. omg im inlove your such a good writer!!!<3 post post post post!!!!<3 x

  6. morrrrrrrrreee!!!!!!<3 xx

  7. Bij, fyi i need moreeeeeee and morreeeeeee ! you're such a good writer ever and ever ! i knw you're 14 like me but i dont have this idea thoooo like you! you're amazayn

  8. That chapter is AMAZING!! but zayn can't ruin it!!! I bet justin comes in, sees them and runs away dramatically. #classic and i really like the links, especially the clothing links!! Don't stop that!!


  10. No u should keep posting links and I'd love to know how Holly and Hayden look like :) am I the only one who would like zayn to make his move? Maybe I like drama :) lol xx U GO GIRL! You are amazing!! That's clearly a talent :)

  11. PLEEEAAASE don't let Selena and zayn be together.....that would ruin the story and I love it


  13. you know: I am from germany and there is a magazine it calls BRAVO
    and they have write about a girl which said that justin bieber is a grenade in the bed !:P her name is Miley Jensen. I hate it to read something like this :( Sorry for my english guys ! And that what you write is amazing !


If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.