6 May 2013

New Beginnings. Chapter 3: Dead.

Hey guys! I'm feeling better today, just by reading your comments! You guys are so sweet and I just love you all1 I'll post a chapter every few days, mostly because I have homework, friends, tests, and I have to write it!!(: But I hope you don't mind! Because I love what I do, it's like a second job. I hope you like it though, because it's like immediate drama lol. Anyways, here you go!:


"Can I just call my mom?" I managed to say through sobs. 
Justin stood up and grabbed his phone. I tried to calm myself, and stop crying, before calling my mom. Justin handed me his phone and sat back down next to me, putting his arm around me again. He had me dial as a private number, so that nobody knew that it was his. While I sat on the phone, Justin wiped away my tears and listened. 
"M-Mom?" I stuttered as I answered the phone. 
"We told you not to fucking try anything stupid." 
I paused. They had my family, because of me. Now they were going to make me pay. I glanced over to Justin, who was trying to listen but I didn't want him to. I pulled the phone away from my face and stood up. 
"I need to talk in private, do you mind?" I whispered. 
He nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind him. I walked over to the window and stared out, wondering where they were, or what they were doing to my family. 
"What the hell are you doing to them?" I said quietly. 
"Listen to me, and get it right this time. We told you not to leave us-" 
"Please, just take me instead of them. Don't hurt them, just- please." 
I waited for an answer. I could hear his heavy breath through the phone, and I could tell that my parents and brother were near. 
"We'll spare your family if you come with us." he said. 
"Don't do this!" I heard my mom yell. 
"Shut the hell up. Now listen, come to your house, alone, and nobody will get hurt." 
He hung up the phone right after he finished talking and I panicked. I had to find a way out of here now, and have no one follow me. I wasn't even worrying about what would happen to me after, I just wanted my family to be okay. 
I set Justin's phone down and paced back and forth, I knew that Justin was not going to let me leave. How could a stranger be so protective over someone they didn't know? I quickly headed towards the door, turning the doorknob slowly. I peeked my head out, and Justin wasn't even there! I looked left and right, no Justin, so I snuck out. I quickly ran down the hall and to the elevator. Just as I pressed the button to go down, I saw Justin running towards me screaming my name. The doors shut just before he got to me and I was relieved. 
Most girls want Justin Bieber to be chasing after them, NOT me. My heart was racing, once again, as I made it to the first floor of the hotel. I ran across the lobby and out the door. All I could see was screaming girls everywhere, I just wanted to get out of there. I ran, and ran, heading towards my house. Good thing I lived in town, instead of out in the country. 
I kept running, not bothered by what was going on around me, just my family was on my mind. The wind whipped through my hair and my breath was out of control. The cold air stung my lungs but I just need to get my house. 
Just as I turned the corner, I could see my house in the distance. I was running faster than I ever had before and I made it to my house within seconds. I burst through the door and slammed it shut, catching my breath as I stood. When I ran into the next room, I saw my dad, mom, and brother all tied to chairs in the middle on the living room. 
My two kidnappers grabbed me right away and held a knife to my throat. My mom tried screaming, but it really, was no use. I took a big gulp of air as I was pulled back. 
"Mom I'm sorry." I said quietly. 
She screamed and cried but I couldn't do anything. My hands were tied together behind me and I was thrown to the couch. I just wanted them to take me and let my family go. I didn't care if I died, I would rather have it be me then them. 
"Please, take me and let them go." I said while tears streamed down my face. 
"Alright, bring her outside." one of them said. 
I didn't recognize one of them, he must've been someone else from the house. I felt him grab me by both of my arms and then push me in front of him towards the door. This had been the 3rd time I'd been kidnapped since the party last night. Gosh, people must love me so much. 
When he opened the door, you could hear sirens in a distance. Great, cops were coming now and we were all going to die. He shoved me back inside quickly and I was pushed to the ground and he ran for the living room. I could hear them yelling at each other as I tried my best to untie the ropes around my wrists. 
"What the fuck Logan! I told you that we should just kill the family and leave that bitch to go!" Justin yelled. 
I guess his name was Logan. But that wasn't important, what was important was getting my family out of here before someone got hurt. Logan came in and yanked me up from the floor, pulling me back to the living room and pushing me down on the couch. I looked out of the window to see cars, cop cars, piled around my house. 
"Surrender now and no one gets hurt." a cop yelled through a microphone. 
Both of the boys paced back and forth, trying to figure out a way out of this. My mom was still crying, and my brother was yelling along with my dad. It was just a mix of sounds coming from every direction. Justin must've called the cops, I thought, wow. 
Just as I was about to close my eyes and try to calm my self down, I felt myself being pulled off of the couch again. AGAIN. Couldn't I just stay in the same freaking place?! Justin was holding me this time, walking us towards the door with me in front of him. He pushed the door open and brought a knife to my throat. I closed my eyes tight and tears fell from them. 
My heart was racing as we walked forward. I opened my eyes to see not only the police, but the FBI standing around with guns. What the hell was going on? I looked around more to see Justin standing behind them with his hands on his head. He was worried and when our eyes met, he became more worried instantly. 
"(YN)!" he yelled. 
He tried running towards me but people held him back. A tear fell from my eye and I tried calming myself. Why was he acting so protective over me? It was like I was his girlfriend, but we just met not that long ago. 
I was having a hard time breathing, because he had a tight hold around me and with every breath my neck pushed into the blade more. 
"Put the knife down, Justin. It's over." someone in front of us said. 
Wait, they knew who he was? I was confused in this whole mess, I didn't get it at all. I just stood there, trying to survive through this. If they shot, I was most likely dead. 
"I'm not giving up yet." he yelled back. 
I felt his arm move, and I knew that it was over. I heard one gun shot and I thought that I was dead. I had to be, I felt the force of the shot and I fell to the ground. My eyes slowly closed as I tried catching my breath, but that was it. No one could save me now. 

Did you like it? Comment for the next chapter and it'll be up within a few days!(:



  1. Woah. That was intense.

  2. More more more!!!!! This ia amazing! <3

  3. You need to post more often !! Love 'em <3

  4. OMG.... A M A Z I N G

  5. OMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Plz post soon!!!!!!!!!!
    This is an awesome story
    plz post soon dawg
    love yea


  7. and i have one question do you write imagine story's for others? bc i would really like to get one ! <3 im melissa btw xo - @ibiebersavon

  8. OMDs I love your writing you are frigging amazing do more please you are soooo goooooood!<3

  9. more more plz!!! <3 i love your writing!!!!

  10. Wow this story is so good <3


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