4 Aug 2012

My love for eternity

Hello :)
Sorry I haven't posted any stories for a looooong time, i haven't been home. I have had 5 weeks of vacation but only been home 3 days :P I promise to post more often.
Love you all thanks for caring about me. Now enjoy this I used tons of time on it
xx Astrid
The story that is going on in present time is written like this. It's only your thoughts.
The things that you think back to is written like this, it's written like a story in past time.

My love for eternity

5 years has it been by now. 5 years since I lost you. I miss you. Miss you more than anything you can imagine but I know we'll be together again someday. One day I'll come back to you and I'll just hold you close. I want to feel your arms wrap around me again. I want to be in your arms. The wind is soft today, just like the day we met. You remember the day we met? I sure do......

The wind briefted softly on my wet skin. I sighted heavily closing my eyes. A single pearl of sweat ran over my forehead and I sunk back on the bench. Around me kids were playing, families were talking, friends were laughing, dogs were barking and happy couples were strolling through the sunny park. It was another hot day in LA and I had been out for a run. After a hard workout,  I had found myself a lovely bench in the out circle of the park. My legs were aching but I had a smile on my face. I just moved to LA a week ago to follow my dreams of becomming an actor. Until now everything had been great. My roommate, Ellie, was the sweetest girl ever and she had already introduced me to a lot of her cool friends. I auditioned for the acting school months ago and I was starting classes on monday. Another wind swept over my skin and I turned my face upwards to the sky. My eyes were still pressed close when suddenly a shadow covered me. Suspicious of what blocked the sun I opened my eyes. A stranger boy was standing in front of me. His hoodie was pulled up covering his head and the big sun-glasses covered his eyes.
 - Can I have a seat?
His voice was deep and melodic. I nodded my head moving abit to the side. He nodded as a thank you and sat down beside me. I furrowed my brows a bit, why was he wearing a big hoodie on this sunny saturday afternoon? I decided to shrug it off and closed my eyes again. The sun was heating my skin and I felt the warmth spread through my body. I felt kind of awkward sitting next to this stranger sweating in my wet running cloth. I felt the stranger turn beside me and opened my eyes. I could feel his eyes lay on my face behind his glasses.
- Can I do anything for you?
I smiled at him and I could see him blush lightly under my question. I smirked to myself, this was quiet interresting actually.
- Uhm no it's fine
I smiled politely at his respond, I wanted to talk to him. Or honestly I just wanted to know his identity.
- May I ask you something?
I turned on the bench to look at him. His face showed surprise at my sudden interrest towards him.
- Go ahead
He answered with a smile curling on his lips. What a smile! His teeth were perfectly white and his lips were pink and plumy. The smile grew wider when I blurted out my question
- Why are you wering a big hoodie when it's so hot?
He chuckled and it sent shivers up my spin, it was like a deep husky sound from the bottom of his chest. My cheeks fluttered a light pink.
- I'm trying to stay unknown
His answer made me furrow my brows in suspicioun, who the heck was this person? There was something regonizable about his voice, but I couldn't point out where I had heard it before.
- why?
He turned a bit further to face me. A smile was playing on his lips, he was entertained by my questions.
- Because I'm Justin Bieber
I laughed, yeah right he was Justin Bieber. That was the stupidest lie ever, like I could tell if this was Justin Bieber, I had been a Belieber forever for crying out loud. I finally caught back my breath and look at him. He was just watching my hysteric laugh with a small smirk playing on his lips.
- Alright Justin Bieber, I'm Beyoncé, nice to meet you
I held out my hand still giggling lightly. He grabbed my hand and in one good smooth he guided it to his lips. He left a fot kiss on my knuckles and looked up in my eyes. I could barely see his eyes behind the sunglasses.
- An honour to meet you Beyoncé
My hand kept tingling where his lips had touched when he let it go. The heat spread across my face and I knew I looked like a tomato. Another smirk played over his lips when he caught me blushing. I smiled, who was this stranger that could make my heart flutter without even telling me his identity?
- It was really nice meeting you, but I have to go now
He got up from his seat and turned around to me.
- Is it possible to ask you to come on a date with me tonight? I'd really like to get to know you for real?
His words sent shivers down my spin and I nodded
- That could be possible. Meet me at the park entrance at 7
Before he could say anything to my command I had gotten up and was running away. I looked back over my shoulder to see him standing there with his hoodie pulled over his head. I turned my face back around. I didn't even know who this guy was and now I had a date with him tonight. I shook my head in disbelief, I was really picking up the new crazy actor lifestyle quick...

You know how nervous I was? I thought I had lost my mind. I said yes to a stranger, it turned out to be the best thing I had done in my life.....

                              -------------------------------- 6:30 PM -----------------------------------------
I finally laid the finishing touched on my hair. It was tied in a big knot on the top of my head leaving my bangs to fall down and frame my face perfectly. I had a light brown eyeshadow on and a good lay of mascara. A natural blush was floading over my cheeks and a shiny gloss was covering my lips. I opened my closet and picked this OUTFIT out. While I got dressed I thought it all over. I had no idea if the mysterious guy would show up. I had no idea who he was, he could be a rapist. Then if he showed up he could either be really sweet and beautiful or he could be a prick. And if he showed up where would we go and would we do? Everything was rushing through my mind as I made my way to the door. I locked it safely tossing my keys down my bag. I started walking to the park. When I arrived at the entrance it was 6.58. My hands were shaking, what had I gotten my self in to. I played anxiously with the charms on my bracelet when suddenly a soft wellknown voice spoke behind me.
- Beyoncé?
I turned around with a giggle. I looked up to see the stranger and suddenly he wasn't so stranger anymore. My jaw dropped and a gasp escaped from my lips.
- You're.. you.. how?.. You're you. You're Justin Bieber
I managed to stammer out. Justin chuckled.
- I told you I was me
He got closer to me and I shook my head. His brown eyes were sparkling and his hair was spiked perfectly up in the front. I shook my head in disbelief and my eyes wandered up and down him. His upper body was swept in a white v-neck. Low on his hips a pair of skinny waisted black jeans was hanging. I looked up again and his eyes caught mine. He opened his arms and I stepped in for a hug. My arm locked around his toned chest and his arms pulled me close by the waist. His chin rested on my shoulder and he gave me a tight squeeze before letting go again. I took a step back and was met by his stunning smile.
- I can't believe you're actually Justin Bieber
I shook my head again speaking the words that caused him to laugh.
- Well I can see you're not Beyoncé, so what's your real identity?
He asked me sweetely and I giggled.
- I'm (YN). nice to meet you for real
He laughed at my words grabbing my hand and shaking it. HIs touch sent trembles up my spin and when he let go my whole world was spinning slightly under his gentle touch and soft eyes.
- Would you like to go out and get something to eat with me? I'd really like to get to know you
I nodded and grabbed the arm he was offering me. I tugged on his arm as we started walking down the road. Our conversation got kicked off when I asked him why he was in town and from that it floaded naturally. The streets were quiet empty when you thought about how it was a  august saturday night in LA. We arrived at the restaurant and Justin was the gentleman I had always thought he would be. When we got there it turned out he had already ordered us a table.
- You knew I would agree to come with you?
His eyes twinkled with laughter and he sat down opposite me.
- No, I just thought that I had a good chance. Plus I really hoped you would go
- Why?
- Because when i saw you today in the park I just knew I had to get to know you. You were just so beautiful..
I interrupted him
- I was sweating in my running suit, that was so not beautiful
I raised my eyeborws when a smile curled over his lips. He reached out for my hand over the table and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand
- You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen
My cheeks fluttered red and I looked down in my plate. Luckily I was saved by the waitress who came with our menu cards. The whole night was perfect. Justin was the sweetest guy I had ever met. He was so generally nice and down to earth. He made me laugh and we kept on talking for hours. We ended ur dinner and went outside the restaurant.
- Uhm do you want to go for a walk?
Justin asked nervously. He bit his lips and I smiled
- Sure
- Sweet
Before I knew it he had grabbed my hand and we were walking down the sidewalk. HIs fingers was laced with mine and my heart was pounding in my chest. I felt so free. The sun was setting and the last warm was soaking in to my skin. We got to the beach and both took of our shoes. Hand in hand we walked down to the water. The waved pushed over our feet and whispered as they pulled back. No words were spoking, we were just standing hand in hand enjoying the beautiful sun set.
- This is so beautiful
My low whisper broke the comfortable silence. Justin mumbled an agreement and the silence took over again. Suddenly Justin turned me around to face him. The sun was shining the last over my shoulder making his eyes go a deep brown. His lips were formed in a smile and my heart stopped for a second.
- Thank you for taking the chance and saying yes to a stranger.
I smiled and left a soft kiss on his cheek before letting go of our intwined hands.
- I need to go home, but thank you for tonight Justin, it has been a pleasure
I was just about to turn but he grabbed my wrist and forced me back around
- Can I please have your number? i'd really like to go out with you again
Justin's eyes were begging me to say yes. I quickly got out my phone and handed it to him. He put in his number and I sent him a quick text so he had my number
- There you go. I'm waiting for your call
Before he could do anything I had spun around on my heel and was walking away. I could feel his eyes following me when I bend down to get my shoes on. A smile was plastered to my face as I walked down the now empty streets of LA. Today had turned out to be my best day in LA so far

And it turned out it was just one good day in a line of so many others. You changed my life in so many ways Justin. By sitting down next to me that specific day you made such a huge impact on my life. I can't believe you're gone. 5 years have I lived without you now. I'm moving on as you told me to, but you know how hard it is to survive without you? I have found a new boy now, he makes me happy. He is a great guy and I'm sure you would have liked him. I love him, but it will never be the same as it was with you. The good thing is that he understands. He understands that you was my first true love and that nothing can ever come between us. Not even death. You're my love for eternity Justin. I'll always be yours. Remember the day you asked me to be yours? The day you manned up and kissed me? I still smile back at that day.. It was such a memorizing day.. I still have that shirt I wore that day, the one with the stripes..

A buzz from my phone quickly snapped me out from my nap. I yawned and stretched my crumbled body on the couch. With a deep sight I sat up and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. The bright screen showed a new message had just ticked in. With butterflies in my stomach I opened it.
Hi babe :) any plans today? Since the weather sucks I thought we could chill out at your place? x
I looked out the window. The rain was running down the windows and the sky was clouded. Ellie my roomie was out visiting her parents over the weekend and wouldn't be home before tomorrow night. The time showed 3.30pm. It was the late september and I had stayed in the whole saturday cleaning our aparatment since the weather sucked so bad. With the excitement rushing through my veins I answered back on the message with a big yes. It was Justin. Since our first day back in August we had went out on a date each Saturday evening. We would always be texting and calling each other. Because of me Justin had managed to be in LA each week to come and see me. Some days we had just been hanging out at my place. He was always staying at hotels. Him and Ellie also got very well along and she would always tease me and Justin about fancying each other. I did like Justin, a lot actually. He was just so amazing. He always made me laugh but still we could have a very decent and intelligent conversation. He was so sweet and kind and just the thought of him made my heart skip a beat. My phone buzzed again.
Great :D be there in 10 x
I rushed to the bathroom and studied myself in the mirror.. My hair was one big mess and I franctually tried pulling a brush through it. I laid on a bit of mascara and ran to the bed room. I grabbed some random cloth from my closet and quickly changed: OUTFIT . I threw my hair in a messy bun and just then the doorbell rang. My tummy exploded in butterflies when I opened it.
- Hello
Justin was standing outside with loads of candy and movies in his hands. His hair was flat down dripping from the rain
- You're drained
I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. He chuckled as I grabbed the candy and threw it in to the kitchen. I pulled him in the bathroom where I handed him a towel and he started drying himself off. His sweatpants was not so wet since he had only walked from the car. He cringed out of his sweatshirt and was left in a blue tshirt hugging his body closely. I couldn't help it but bite my lip when my eyes travelled over his toned body. His deep chukle brought my back to reality
- You're getting it all with you?
I looked down at the floor with my cheeks burning from emberrasement. Suddenly a loud thunder came and all the lights went off. I screamt and jumped directly in to Justin's arms. His body shook as he laughed because of me.
- Not funny dude
I pushed his chest lightly while taking a step back. My whole face was burning with embarrassment, luckily he couldn't see since the power had gone off. Justin was still laughing as he got up.
- I think the thunder made the power go off
Justin spoke the clear statement and I had to laugh.
- So clever you are
I nudged him and we both laughed. We went on to the living room and Justin thought we needed to get some light somehow. I searched my flat and finally found some candles. We lighted around 50 candles around the whole living room, quiet romantic. Outside the storm was crazy and I shivered a little. I really hated thunder.
- You're okay babe?
Justin walked up and laid his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and smiled.
- Now I am
I mumbled under my breath, but I'm pretty sure he heard it 'cause he pulled me a little closer and I rested my head on his shoulder. HIs hand roamed gently up and down my side making me calm.
- Let's watch that movie shall we?
He took my hand and we went to the couch. Justin had set up my lap top since we couldn't use the tv. It stood on the table and we got down on the couch. Justin laid his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his chest. The movie started but I didn't really pay attention. Justin's fingers were playing with my hair causing me to tense up. HIs chest was moving with his heart beat and my breath was irregular.
- Can I ask you something?
I sat up and looked at Justin. HIs hands were in his lap and he was looking down. I told him to go on and so he did. HIs hands grabbed mine and his beautiful eyes locked with mine before he spoke.
- You know over the last time we have hung out more and more. Since we started hanging out I've become so happy and I can't even describe how grateful I am that you have become a part of my life. You're the most beautiful, funny, smart, amazing, sweet, kind and lovable girl I ever met. I never thought I'd fall head over heels like I did, but with you it was just love at first sight and what I'm trying to say is.. (YN) will you be my girlfriend?
Justin's eyes were sparkling so bright at me. I had no words to say. My whole world was spinning with his words. I couldn't say anything only one thing was I able to do. I leaned in to Justin and closed my eyes. When his lips brushed over mine it felt like a thousand of butterflies stroking over my lips with a gentle wing.
- Is that a yes?
Justin's breath tickled on my lips when he spoke.
- Yes
I breathed the word out. Justin captured my lips with his and deepened the kiss. Never had I thought a kiss could be so passionate and deep but yet so sweet and gentle. Never had I thought my heart would flutter over with love for the boy kissing me....

Remember how we stayed up all night just cuddling and kissing? I couldn't stop myself from smiling, my cheeks were hurt so bad afterwards. It was the best night we have ever spent together Justin, we have had so many amazing movie nights together. There was one other night that is also a special night. The night where you took my virginity from me. I was so nervous but you never pressured me. You never did anything wrong Justin, I don't get why this happened to you. To us. I miss you Justin. I miss you so much. I miss being close to you. Feeling your skin pressed on mine. I miss loving you. Miss making love to you...

- Babe are you here?
- In the bedroom Justin
I heard Justin's shoes shuffle over the floor. I was laid in my bed under the covers. I was only dressed in the striped shirt I always wore for our movie dates. We had been a couple for a month now and I loved him so much. I hadn't told him though, it was too soon. But I really did, I loved him. He made me feel so special and alive. The bedroom door opened and Justin's face peeked in with a smirk
- There you are my beautiful princess
I giggled as he pushed open the door and kicked off his shoes before jumping on the bed. He laid down on top of me and started planting sweet kissed over my whole face.
- Justin Justin stop it
I managed to giggled out. Justin went to my lips and laid a soft peck. I closed my arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to mine. Our lips moved together and he lowered over my body. His hands brushed down my side and slipped under my shirt. I gasped in to his mouth when his hands unclapped my bra. He rushed him self and pulled back
- I'm sorry babe
He started blurring out that he was sorry and he shouldn't have done that. I watched him a little before I got up and shut him up with a kiss.
- I want you Justin
I spoke with a low voice and I could see he was turned on.
- You're sure?
I nodded while biting my bottom lip. Without hesitation he closed the gap between our lips. His hands explored every inch of my body while our tongues fought for dominance. He slipped of my shirt and one piece of cloth lead to another until we were completely naked...

That night we made love. It was so beautiful, it wasn't just a game, it was pure love. After that I told you I loved you. I can't even describe the feeling that rushed through my body when you told me you loved me too. I still love you Justin. I know you're not here anymore, but you have such a huge part of me. We were only together for one year but you're still the person who have had the biggest impact on my life. Our one year anniversary was the best but yet worst day ever. You made it a day that can make me smile but always will make me cry. You left me Justin... I know you didn't do it on purpose but there was just so many things we still needed to do. That day is the clearest day in my life..

I took one last glance in the mirror. I felt great, not just great I felt like flying. My outfit ( OUTFIT ) made me feel beautiful and the thought of one year together with the most amazing boyfriend made me smile. I heard a honk outside my block and sprinted to the Window.
- Are you coming?
Justin's voice reached me from the parking lot. I rushed out the door and jumped directly in his arms. He chuckled while squeezing his arms right around me.
- Hi you.. I missed you too
I didn't reply i just nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck. Finally i took a step back.
- wow
Justin took my hand and made me do a spin while admiring me.
- You're so beautiful. How come i've been so lucky?
I blushed at his statement before stepping Closer to him. He grabbed my hips and i curled my arms around his neck
- I love you
My words sent out in the chilly september Night before connecting our lips. his lips were so gentle and soft on mine Like the Wind Brushing through High grass. We both pulled away. A sweet smile played over his lips.
- You're ready?
I nodded and he opened the car for me. I sat in and he came in beside me. We drove off talking about anything and everything. It was so easy for us to be together. We soon arrived at a parking lot and Justin pulled in to a free space. We both got out and I grabbed his hand.
- Where are we Justin?
- Just follow me
I shrugged it off and followed him down the lighted path. We walked past a restaurant and to the back of it. A waiter greeted us in front of a huge gate.
- Hello and welcome
We returned his greeting and he opened the gate for us. I stopped and almost tripped as Justin kept walking with my hand in his. I stumbled in taking the amazing place in to me. A little terrace was surrounded by huge walls of red roses. The place was only lit by toches. In the middle a nice table was set for two. I had stopped and Justin was standing beside the table. He turned around and looked at me with an adorable smile
- Do you like it?
He wrenched his fingers nervously. I ran to him and swung my arms around his neck
- I love it
I squealed. Justin chuckled and closed his arms around me in a tight embrace. We kept our arms around each other when our lips locked. His soft plumpy lips pressed so warm on mine and I smiled in to the kiss. We broke away
- I love when you do that
He exclaimed while stroking my cheek with his thumb.
- Do what?
I tilted my head lightly while looking closely in to his beautiful eyes.
- Smile in to the kiss, it shows me that I'm doing something right
I giggled and we both went to sit down at the table. The dinner was amazing and the set up was so amazing. Justin and I talked for hours. He made me laugh like nobody else and he made my heart swollen with love.
- I got you something Justin
I searched through my purse while Justin protested.
- Look how much you do for me
I gestured my arm around the set up
- I had to buy you something. I really hope you like it
I handed him the little package and he opened his. His face lit up when he looked at the PRESENT . He laid it on the table and grabbed my hands over the table.
- I love it (YN).. Thank you so so much. I love you so much you have no idea.
He squeezed my hands and my face broke in to a grin. We got up from the table and went to the car.
- Lets drive out and see the sunset?
Justin asked when he turned on the car. I nodded and we set off. We drove the small ride i a comfortable silence. Nothing had to be said. It was like we could talk without saying anything. We arrived at the beack and both got out. We sat on the roof of the car. Justin laid his arm around my shoulder and I leaned in to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and took in the view.
- It's beautiful
- You're beautiful
I blushed and looked at Justin. He slipped down from the car hood and kneeled in front of me. I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth when he pulled a box out from his pocket.
- (YN) today it's one year ago I asked you to be mine and it had been the best year of my life. You have made me complete. You brighten up my world. Your smile is my medicine on a bad day. Everything about you makes me happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we're too young but I'm asking you (YN), will you promise to be with me?
He opened the box and I smiled at the  PROMISERING . He grabbed my hand and slit the ring on my finger. I sunk down to his level and crashed my lips to his. I kissed him with all the love I could manage to kiss him with.
- I love you so so much
I whispered when he pulled away. Justin smiled brightly in to my eyes.
- Let's go home now

From here it all went wrong. We should have stayed. Just for one minute more and nothing would have happened. Justin. Just a second could have saved you. The ring is still on my finger. I wish I could turn back time and then stop us there. Stop us when we sat in the car and drove off. Just one minute. One second. I can't even think about it. The tears have stopped rolling now. The water have dried in to my skin. The wind is blowing Justin. It feels like you're still here. I remember the flashlights brightening us. Why Justin? Why did it only hurt you? Why did you cover me with your body? Why did that car crash in to us? Why Justin? Why? Justin? Remember the last words you said to me, before you closed your eyes forever? My love for eternity. Justin. You saved me but died yourself. I'm living for you now. Your my love for eternity. My new boy is taking care of me. He's great but I'll never love him like I love you. You're my love. My one and only. I miss you. I miss you so much that it hurts in my whole body. You would be proud of me. I'm an professional actress now. I wanted you to be with me for the first premier, I went with my mom. She misses you too. The whole worlds miss you. Your fans miss you. They're the only who understand what I'm going through. I closed down your twitter Justin. I'm sorry, but i had to. The clouds are pulling up now, it will rain soon. I need to go now. I love you. I love you forever and ever Justin. I have brough the dog tag I fave you. It's laying on the tombstone now. I'll come back soon. Wait for me in heaven Justin. I'm coming when God knows it's right. This is not goodbye, this is a see you. See you Justin, you're my love for eternity....




  2. Awwww.. *crying*

  3. Awwww that made me cry so much:( i love ur stories/imagines

  4. Oh. My. GOD.
    That was the most amazing thing EVER! It was so sweet and sad and I cried! I miss you and your stories so much and I'm glad you're back!!

  5. OH MY GOD ASTRID I PRAY TO GOD U Make it SOMEWHERE huge with your writing omg u legit make my everyday with these stories I'm
    So glad your back these stories mean so much !!! You have experienced dramatic change with your writing omg may I say that I've never read something so flawless and engaging in my life ! I'm so glad your back can't wait for more to come <3 love ya I hope ur doing well


  7. So first of all, Im freaking happy that you are back baby girl! I missed you more than anything seriously. Believe me, noone can ever write so fucking incredible stories like you. NOONE. And i totally agree with the other comments! So now to the story.. Do you know what i think? I think, you exactly know how to make us smile and cry and and and just make us happy. This story above, was more than just amazing, super sweet/sad, romantic or just incredible. It was like you made me smile but also cry at the same time. Its kind of weird yeah, but thats Thema truth. Your stories make me feel like, like everythings real you know? Astrid, you make me believe in a life with the one and only Justin Bieber. Please never stop writing okai? Not only Justin Bieber stories but also in general. I bet you are also in school super good at writing! Astrid, believe me you are such a talented girl. Not only talented but also a super sweet, caring, kind, lovely, adorable and most of all beautiful girl! You dont know how much i love you and how much I am or lets say how much we are blessed to have you baby! :) NEVER LEAVE US AGAIN OKAI? WE CAAAANT AND WE WONT EVER LIVE WITHOUT YOU. <3

    Sincerely.. Your biggest fan ever haha. :')

  8. Look, i cant even write anymore lol. I meant "the" and not "Thema". Ugh, awkward..

  9. omg. this story was amazing! it brought me tears!
    i just... i just can't imagine my self without him! without him being where i am.
    i can't. i really can't handle this one!
    thank you so much! it was so beautiful!

  10. This story is amazing but I'm bursting in tears right now <3

  11. THIS MADE ME CRY I CANT IMAGINE A DAY WITHOUT JUSTIN NOT BEING ALIVE HE IS MY WHOLE WORLD LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Mrs.Jazsmin Bieber 2299911 February 2013 at 15:24

    im cryin this was good i love your stories OMB

  13. This Storyy Is So Touchingg , And Right When That Part Of Where He Died , I Was Hearing Nothing Like us , And It Made Me Want To Cry Moree ... This Story Is Beautiful

  14. Oh my God I cried my eyes out!!!!:(

  15. OMG. Im speechless, that was sweet and sad all at the same time. I LOVE ur stories. Ive read ur stories from the start but this is the first time ive commented and also im from ireland


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