2 Feb 2014

New Story Trailer.

Hi guys! You may have thought that this was the trailer but it's not actually the trailer. It's just some info about the next month or so and what I have planned and I what I hope to happen.

I was really busy this weekend so I didn't exactly get very much done pertaining to the story. But I have gotten very many ideas stashed in my little head about what to do and stuff!

The trailer that I sad in doing is almost finished I just need to add music! Any song backtrack ideas? Leave 'em in the comments!

During the month of February I should be posting regularly for the most part. Yeah I'll be late occasionally but I still gotta write the damn story first! Lol. I literally only have the first chapter so far so you guys are out of luck right now I'm sorry):

But anyways that's about it for noowwww.

How about 10 different comments from different people and I'll post the trailer?(:


EMAIL: ana.mckenna7@live.com
SHOTS: shots.me/anamckenna
TWITTER: @flirtyjbieber
KIK: tatyanana
TUMBLR: tuesbelllle


  1. i can't wait please hurry! ;-)

  2. I have an idea about soundrack!so if the trailer is going to be kinda sad u can use justins song backpack or one life.if the trailer is happy and cute u can use i would by justin ! Thats my idea, hope u like it ,let me know! :)) thank u:)))

    1. Anna didn't tell me either and I actually helped anna

    2. A happy trailer you can use baby or boyfriend or one time for somebody to love

  3. You should play that should be me if it's going to be sad

    1. You can play believe or backpack or beauty and the beat or never say never

  4. Or heartbreaker if if a sad break up

  5. I want the trailer so I'll just comment ten times myself

  6. You can also play fall or alaylm

  7. The tenth comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your welcome anna remember we love your stories and your a genius

  8. You can also do never let you go or all that matters


If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.