13 Aug 2011

Short Imagine Story :* (10)

-Next morning your alarm clock went off at 5:30 am- You took a shower and wet downstairs. Both your parents were up, to say goodbye to you. You ate your breakfast and the time was near Justin would come.

M:So let's get your stuff outside hunny, he'll be ehre any second.
Y:k, k
-Your dad took your stuff and you all went outside. The sun was shining and a warm feeling cicled around in your body. Down the road you could see a black van. It came closer and pulled up to your house. Justin got out from the backseat looking like this: http://www.google.dk/imgres?q=justin+bieber+2011+arriving+in+LA&hl=da&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=InCTgXhBmMlQeM:&imgrefurl=http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/61225283.html&docid=RNkbm7OUQeKsNM&w=1500&h=2063&ei=-3dGTvG8EM6Lswb3quygBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=805&vpy=158&dur=420&hovh=263&hovw=191&tx=91&ty=143&page=2&tbnh=110&tbnw=80&start=26&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:26&biw=1280&bih=541
J: hey beauti.
-He hugged you and kissed your cheek. He greeted your parents. Your dad and Justin got your stuff in the van. Suddenly Pattie stepped out the car.
P: hey, you must be (YN)?
-She smiled
Y: that's me
-She gave you a hug
P: It's so nice to meet you, Justin has talked non stop about you the last 24 hours!
J: no I haven't
-His cheeks got bright red and you all laughed.
Y: that's so sweet
You smiled and kissed his cheek which got a deeper red colour
P: so kids, you're ready to leave
Y and J: yup.
-You said goodbye to your parents and got in the car. Pattie sat on the front seat next to the driver.
J: You look amazing today (yn)
-Justin placed his arm around you.
Y: you're not that bad yourself
-you winked and Justin laughed
J: get some rest sweety, there's an hour 'till we'll be at the airport.
Y: mmhh k
-You snugged up to Justin and closed your eyes.
Justin smiled and kissed your forehead. then you fell asleep
(you're wearing this: http://www.polyvore.com/because_what_you_did_to/set?id=35167342 btw)

J: wake up (yn) we're here
HIs soft voice tickled your ears, and you opened your eyes.
Y: in canada?
J: no (giggling) in the airport.
Y: ohh....
-You yawned.
J: there's probably tons of paps out there. Just walk beside my mum k? I'm gonna walk with Kenny ahead of you, see ya' at the flight!
-He leaned in and gave you a soft kiss.
Y: mmmmhhh
-Justin got out of the car, a few minutes after you stepped out. You could see Justin walking some distance infront of you, or you couldn't see Justin, you could see TONS of paps.
-Someone tapped your shoulder, you turned around and Pattie stood there smiling.
P: ready?
Y: yea..
-You started walking after Justin while Pattie asked you stuff about your life. She was really nice to you, and you felt like she was one of your girlfriends and not your boyfriends mother-
There was no paps taking pictures of you, you thought........
You got into the airport and checked in. You were sitting in a V.I.P lounge waiting to get boarded for you flight. Some guy sat down behind you..

Tell me if you got some suggestions for this stranger boy?:)
Hope you enjoy #Love

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