3 Sept 2012

Through Hate and Love: Ch.1


“Wake up, Stella!” Jessica yelled and threw a pillow in my face.
I groaned and duck my head under covers.
“Come on, babe, wake up, It’s 1 pm already” she whined.
I quickly shot up and grabbed my phone to look at the time. Indeed, 1pm. I’m dead. Last night I stayed at Jess’s house and probably fell asleep here. That’s ok, but the worst thing I forgot to tell my parents about staying here. They  don’t like Jessica, mom claims that Jess is a ‘wild girl’ and can drag me with her into a bad life. Stupid isn’t? My family thinks I’m one of those ’angels’, those good girls, but guess what, they’re wrong.
I slowly dragged myself to bathroom and did my morning routine. Then I dressed up and went downstairs to the small kitchen. Their house was small, only two bedrooms, a small living room, one bathroom and a small kitchen but that’s enough for two people. Jessica’s dad passed away 3 years ago by the way, so her mom works a lot to keep the house and everything else.
I stepped in the kitchen and found Jess sitting at the table with a plate of pancakes and her mom Rose making more pancakes.
“Good morning Rose” I smiled and sat at the table across from Jessica.
“Morning Stella, here’s pancakes” she handed me a plate of pancakes and I mumbled my ‘thank you’.
Rose is like my second mom. She understand me, she knows I don’t like my family ‘cause they judge me a lot. I always tell things first to Rose before telling to my real mum. And you should probably guess that Jess is like my sister. I just can’t imagine my life without her.
“So Jess told me you haven’t told your parents that you was going to stay here for the night” She raised her eyebrow
“Uhh yeah. I’ll be in big trouble” I giggled
“Your parents are probably so pissed and scared right now.” Jess laughed
“Have you checked your phone? Maybe they called you?” Rose asked.
I took my phone out of my pocket and Indeed: 13 missed calls, 14 unread messages. I deleted everything knowing what they were about. How can they not understand that I’ll soon be 18 and I’m definitely not a good girl anymore. Ahh.
“I should probably go home” I said while placing my plate into dish washer.
“Good luck” Jess patted my shoulder.
I hugged Jess and Rose before stepping out into a warm Manchester’s weather. My house was 10 minutes away so this walking will give me some time preparing myself for what will happen when I come home.
I slowly opened front door and stepped in my house or should I call it my parents home. I tried to tip toe to my bedroom hoping to avoid any of my family members. No luck.
“Estella Maria Tomlinson!” I heard my mom yelling from living room.
I took in a deep breath and went to living room. I saw my mom and stepdad Jeremy sitting on the couch with a really angry faces.
“You’re in big trouble young lady” Jeremy hissed.
“Sit!” Mom ordered.
I did as she said and sat across them on arm chair.
“Were have you been? In club snogging some random guys with JESSICA?!” Mom yelled.
I sighed calming myself.
“No, I weren’t in club. But yes, I was with Jess. We were just having a girls night at hers.”
“And that happens very often now and you didn’t bother to tell us about staying there, didn’t you?!” Mom shouted.
“I forgot, okay?” I hissed.
“We are tired of your behavior. We raised you as a good daughter, not a party slut who hangs out with people like Jess!” Jeremy said.
“You didn’t raised me at all. You never paid attention to me, Jeremy! And you don’t know anything about Jess. And you know what? You don’t know about me either! I’m not a good girl as you claim, and that’s not because of Jess. I.Grew.Up. Got that?!”  I yelled annoyed.
“That’s it!” Mom stood up. “Go to your room, you are grounded for the rest of your life!”
I raised my eyebrows. “We’ll see about that”
I went to my bedroom not bothering when Jeremy told me ‘this conversation isn’t over’. I really don’t care what they gonna say or do, one thing I know: I’m tired of this place and I need to get out of here.
I locked the doors and  layed on bed. I thought what should I do next. I could stay in a hotel, I still have quit a lot money from my job. But I wont be able to stay in hotel for too long. The only place I could go is to Jessica. But she and her mom lives in a small house so for me there wont be any place. Sadly. Then I could go to my ex. Wait, hell no, he can’t control his hormones, that’s why I broke up with him…….Louis! Yes, that’s right, I could go live with my cousin. He’s my best male friend. But wait, isn’t he on tour or something? Or maybe they came back? Well, I should probably call him and find out. Well, I’ll call him, later. Now I need some rest, family fights can make you really exhausted. 
Comment and tell me what you think so far :)


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