Justins arm was tight around you. His hand dangled beside your arm, and you took it and interwined your fingers. He looked down at you face and sent you a warm smile. Butterflies tignled in your belly and you felt calm. The car pulled up at Pattie's parents' house.
J: come on shawty
-Justin got out of the car and held the door for you. Justin's grandparents were walking towards you. Huge smiles were on their face and it made you relax and smile back.
(their name are Diane and Bruce)
D: hi! I missed you my little angel.
D: hi! I missed you my little angel.
-Justin hugged his grandma and kissed her on the cheek.
B: hey boy! So good to see you
-Justin and his granddad hugged.
D: and you must be (YN)? Justin talked 3 hours about you on the phone last night! We have been so excited tom meet you
B: indeed!
-They both smiled and gave you a small, but friendly, hug.
J: I didn't! Just so you know...
-Justin looked at you seriously
B: of course not
-Justin's grandpa smiled at you and winked, you giggled.
D: where's Pattie?
J: ehhm I guess she's still in the car.
Diane and Bruce walked to the car, while you and Justin got inside.
You walked to Justin's room (Like the one in Never Say Never)
J: Isn't it weird how I kind of grew up in this room?
Y: yeah..
-You both sat down on the bed
Y: it's odd
-Justin looked at you and start giggling
Y: what?
-You gave him a weird look
J: (giggling) did you just say 'odd'?
Y:yeah, and so?
-You didn't understand why he was laughing
J: say it again
-Justin smiled and you shook your head
Y: odd...?
J: awwww(laugh) you sound so cute
.He started tickling you and you laguhed
Y: stop (laugh) Justin!
-He kept on tickle you until someone cleared their throat at the door
D: kids.. lunch is ready
-You quikly sat up. Your hair was a mess and your cloth was a even bigger mess
J: sure grandma! Thank you
You blushed and fixed yourself as good as possible
Diane went off and Justin cracked up laughing
Y: it's not funny! You made me look like a complete fool!
J: I know!
Y: it's not funny....
-You made a fake sad face
J: sorry baby! Let me make you feel better
-Justin leaned in and gave you a soft kiss
J: better hun?
Y: naaah
You leaned back in a and bited his lip softly, you could feel him smile. He slowly pulled you in his arms. His kiss got intense and his hand slided up under your shirt. He stroke your back, and you trembled. His hand felt so soft and he smiled while he kissed you. Justin pulled back
J: let's go down get some lunch, before I stop having control over myself
You smiled and took his hand and you walked down to eat lunch with the family.
Like for next part! <3